Monday 18 February 2013

Let there be Light!

New this spring is our section in the store devoted entirely to solar powered garden lighting. With it all gathered in one area, it’s amazing how much selection we are carrying for spring 2013. Included in the stock are items such as set of 2 hanging lanterns for $25, set of 3 LED garden lights for $40, Hummingbird mobiles with colour changing LED lights for $27 and coloured mosaic balls for $15. If you are an owl fan, there are owl solar lights for $12.50 and clear daisy blooms for $10. This is just a sampling of what we have for sale. Check it out for yourself, you might just find something fun to add to your patio or to pots at your front door.

Hellebore Extravaganza

Never in the history of this Art Knapps have we ever had the selection of hellebores that we do now. We went all out and ordered practically every available variety. I tried to count them all and lost count at 15 different varieties! This tough evergreen perennial that blooms late winter is a must-have for all gardens. Loving shade, it will grow in flowerbeds or in containers. They are low maintenance, generally pest free and not heavy feeders (a layer of organic material spread underneath them each spring is sufficient). Bloom colours range from pure white to rosy pinks to pale greens. This is the time of year to purchase your first hellebore or add to your collection.

ONCIDIUM: Intergeneric Hybrids

Pronounced: on-SID-ee-um
Crosses between various species and genera in the Oncidiinae tribe, have resulted in plants that have come a long way from the original species in beauty and ease of culture. These plants start blooming small with spikes of fancifully patterned flowers in shades of white, yellow, purple, red and brown, and as they mature become large, robust plants with long stems of flowers

How to care for:
Light: High light levels are appropriate. Leaves should be a light green, not yellowish (too much light) or dark green (too little light). They should be firm, not long and floppy (more light needed). Four hours of sunshine on a windowsill is ideal.

Potting: Pot in a fine medium. Fir bark mixtures are best, with 0.5 to 1.0cm chunks of bark, perlite, and charcoal. We recommend Willgro’s Fine Media mix sold at Art Knapps for $8.99. Remove old medium if it is loose, any rotting roots or brown bulbs; choose a plastic pot that will allow for 2 to 3 new growths and position in the pot so that the new growths will grow from the middle to the edge.

Watering: Roots should dry out somewhat between watering. When the plant is actively growing, water when medium has just begun to dry out but is still slightly damp. When the plant is completing its growth start to let it dry more, to encourage flowers rather than vegetative growth. When it is dormant, typically in winter, do not water until medium is almost completely dry. When watering, water thoroughly, with a volume of water at least equal to that of the pot.

Fertilize: Fertilize with a balanced orchid fertilizer once a week during the spring and summer. Once every two weeks in the fall and winter.

Humidity: Oncidiums do best with humidity, use humidifier, humidity trays or misting.

Grow Oncidium hybrids in intermediate temperatures with 14°C minimum winter nights and 29°C summer day maximum. Ensure 6-12°C day/night difference to aid flower formation.

Orchid tips provided by Canadian Orchid Congress. For more info check out:

Paphiopedilum: Lady Slipper Orchid

Pronounced: paff-ee-oh-PED-ih-lum
These Asian relatives of our native lady slippers come in almost infinite variety of shapes, sizes and colours. Fans of green or mottled leaves give rise to flower stems carrying one or
more flowers in white, green, yellow, earth tomes, pink, red and black. Each blossom has detailed blooms with spots, coloured veins and velvet hairs.

How to care for:
Light: Medium light levels are appropriate. Grow best in intermediate temperatures with 14 degrees Celsius minimum wither nights and 29 degree summer day maximum.

Potting: Pot in a fine medium. Fir bark mixtures are best, with 0.5 to 1.0cm chunks of bark, perlite, and charcoal. We recommend Willgro’s Fine Media mix sold at Art Knapps for $8.99.

Watering: Roots should be slightly moist at all times. Water when medium has begun to dry
out, but while it is still damp.

Fertilize: Fertilize with a balanced orchid fertilizer once a week during the spring and summer.
Once every two weeks in the fall and winter.

Humidity: Paphiopedilums do best with humidity, use humidifier, humidity trays or misting.

Orchid tips provided by Canadian Orchid Congress. For more info check out:

Cymbidium Orchids

Pronounced: sim-bid-ee-um
This orchid is one of the easiest Orchids to grow and is native to tropics of Asia, from India to Japan and to Australia. In our area, it can happily grow outside in containers but bring them inside before frost. Flowers are long lasting (up to 3 months) and they come in many different colors (red, yellow, white, green, burgundy).  Cymbidium orchids can bloom in autumn, winter
and spring depending on the variety. These are beautiful plants with leaves that are grasslike that come from pseudo bulb.

How to care for:
Light: Good light is also very important. They can be exposed to full sun, but protect them
from scorching late afternoon sun in summer time.

Watering: Water them well during the growing season, March to October. Cool temperatures
10C - 15C will trigger blooms to appear. Allow plant to dry out somewhat as the growth
matures and when the plant is not actively growing. When watering, water thoroughly with a
volume of water at least equal to that of the pot.

Repotting: Pot in a fine medium. Fir bark mixtures are the best, with 0.5 to 1.0 cm chunks of
bark, perlite and charcoal. We recommend Willgro’s Fine Media sold at Art Knapps for $8.99.

Fertilize: Fertilize with a balanced orchid fertilizer once a week during the spring and summer.
You do not need to fertilize in the fall and winter.

Humidity: Cymbidiums do best with humidity. Use humidifier, humidity trays or mist the orchid

Orchid tips provided by Canadian Orchid Congress. For more info check out:

Wednesday 6 February 2013

The new seeds are here! The new seeds are here!

Okay, maybe not everyone gets as excited as me when the new seeds arrive but regardless, they are on display with pockets brimming with selection. Gardeners who regularly start their plants from seed can tell you many varieties of seed sell out early for the year. Make your list, check it twice, and get thyself down here to avoid disappointment.

Each year I like to try something different in seeds so this year I’ve chosen Hyacinth Bean (Dolichos) and Morning Glory ‘Blue Ensign’. The former is basically a purple scarlett runner bean with dark foliage and purple blooms. The latter is a non-vining, dwarf annual (growing to only 12 inches) with brilliant blue flowers. Also grabbing my attention is the pure white pumpkin, Lumina, from Pacific Northwest seed company.

What are you going to try this year???

Harry Potter Tree

One of my favorite shrubs is the Contorted filbert (Corylus avellana ‘Contorta’), zone
4. It looks like it just stepped off the set of a Harry Potter film. Available in both a green
leaf and red leaf variety, it is stunning as a focal point in the garden (growing to 10 feet
at maturity) but also looks great in a container. I love the funky, architectural form during
the winter when it is leafless. Yellow catkins dangle from its stems in winter months,
again adding interest. With fresh stock arriving in March, they can be purchased in sizes
as small as 2 gallon pots.

Do your shrubs look like this?

Have you stepped outside in the morning and seen your evergreen shrubs, or any other plants in your garden, looking wilted and forlorn? Fret not, when the mercury drops to around the 0 degree mark, moisture in leaves of plants freezes. It is not normally fatal
on hardy plant material. If you were to go back outside in the afternoon, as the daytime temps have increased, you will notice the leaves have perked back up. These plants are simply curling their leaves inward to ward off the cold.

Get a new look for 2013

Have you had the same houseplants for years now? Any of them looking tired? If so, now is a great time of year to freshen up the look of your homes interiors with new, healthy tropicals. With outdoor duties at a minimum presently, we can spend more time and attention to adding lush greenery to otherwise drab areas. Update your pots and containers at the same time to keep them from looking dated. Fresh soil is important for your older plants and stock up on indoor fertilizer that you can start using in March. Start 2013 with a fresh look!

YEST - New imported lines at Art Knapps

We are excited and proud to offer a new line of ladies clothing from Denmark. In this seasons hottest
colours (blues, pinks, corals and creams) the Yest line of fashion is available in a good selection of sizes up to 3X. Also in is the spring line from Vero Moda with pieces such as the Mew LS Shirt. There is no denying that studs are a must-have this season. They add instant flair to everything! Our staff are not immune to this new shirt as 3 of them have purchased it in different colours. Beautiful prints and fabrics abound for spring so stop in soon and make your selections before your size disappears.

Crocs; One-of-a-kind comfort!

The 2013 Spring and Summer collection of Crocs are here and what a collection! I’m going to be honest and admit I had no idea there were so many different styles of Crocs available. Here is just a sampling of what is now on the sales floor; ladies wellie rain boots, crocband winter boots, childrens Lego inspired crocs, mens loafers, fur lined slippers, all cast duck slip-on boots for men, ladies tall suede boots, ladies suede buckle boots, ladies flip-flops, and the list goes on. From the teeniest size for toddlers to large, mens sizes, we have it all. Make your selections soon before your size disappears.